Monday, April 16, 2018


We find ourselves in Isolation!

Saturday night at home just before bed, Cydney felt warm. We took her temp and it was reading 103.0. We took it a few times in different spots and with different thermometers. Readings ranged from 100.4 to 104.5. Jared then called the after hours number to let them know and we were told to come on in they were preparing a bed for her.

By 9:30 pm Cydney and I were in the car headed to the hospital. After a 30 minute drive we were at the hopsital being greeted at the oncology unit doors and lead to our room.  They began taking vitals, asking us for details of what was going on and preparing to access Cydney's port. After applying some numbing cream and giving it time to take effect the nurses came back in to access the port and get labs drawn.  This is when Cydney got very upset, pleading for the nurse to not give her a shot.  As soon as the needle was on and dressing over the site, Cydney threw up! Thankfully not on the port side of her chest. Otherwise we would of had to redo the whole thing.  We all quickly got her cleaned up and settled back into bed. Once the labs were drawn and masks were off, Cydney was happy, joking and laughing again. 

By the time we  got settled in it was close to midnight and we were both tired.  Cydney decided to turn on her Junie B. Jones audio book and curl up to sleep.  I prepped her overnight water bag and set the pump to run for the night. Got my bed made and tried to sleep some.  Cydney slept well throughout the  night waking up around 6. 

 Around 2am the nurse came in to start the antibiotics her ANC level was 10, very low!  Got those started and I went  to sleep.

Cydney woke up in a good mood and said she was hungry! As soon as we got her morning seizure meds and nausea meds given I began her food. Towards the end of her feed, 30mL to go of the 200mL, she threw up everything.  I stopped the feed to give her a break and would start her another feed in an hour or so after getting a different anti-nausea med. Which she again threw up at the end with 50 mL to go. She continued to feel nauseous the rest of the day and evening, but not having anymore episodes of vomiting.

After talking to the doctors about her levels dropping  and fever it was determined she would be put under isolation. Anyone entering the room is to wear a gown and mask. No visitors, especially children. Therefore we are keeping Nathan and Lily out. Besides Lily has a cold or allergies going on and we can't risk Cydney catching anything. 
The day was spent drawing, coloring, reading, singing, watching movies , napping, and talking to doctors and nurses as they came in and out of the room throughout the day.  Cyndey likes to greet them with a smile as they enter the room. She is very sweet to the nurses talking to them about Didgee, her nails,what she likes to do and she makes sure to remind them that she loves her family!

Throughout the day her ANC levels reached 60, hemoglobin was also low. The doctors decided to give her some blood products.  Another set of labs were drawn for type and cross.  We would not be leaving. The doctor would like to see her levels trending upward before considering sending her home.  One doctor said 200 was the level she is comfortable sending kids home, while another said it would take several factors into consideration.  Levels to trend upward, no fevers, keeping food down to start with.  

Cydney is happy and in good spirits for the most part.  She gets sad when it sets in she is not going home. She misses Daddy, Nathan, Lily and Sonora. She misses being home.  I can usually distract her with a new activity or just talking with her for a while.  She takes naps off and on throughout the day, covering herself completely under the blankets. Hiding from everyone, she says.  

This morning, Jared and I switched for the day. I went home to shower, wait for the washing machine repair man and repack my bag while Jared sat with Cydney for a few hours. Cyndey was visited by some singers, the teacher and child life specialist while I was away. Once Nathan got off the bus, I drove back to the hospital and switched with Jared again. Cydney was very happy to see me back! Giving me a huge hug!!

As we settle in for the night I will look on Grub hub to order dinner to be delivered, Cydney is setting up a game of  Sorry and looking for a movie to watch. 

Tomorrow she is scheduled for her last round of Chemo for this A cycle. The plan is to go ahead and give it to her soemtime tomorrow while she is inpatient. She will then have a three week break.  

Praying for her counts to continue to rise, and for us to be headed home as soon as possible.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Cycle 5 begins

Today we begin Cycle 5 of chemo! Arriving at the Clinic at 930 this morning for port access and labs. Her vitals are taken and she is weighed and measured. Today she was 15. 7 kg (34.6 lbs) and 111 cm (43.7 inches). Once labs were back and counts are good, Cydney is cleared to get her Chemo treatments. Cydney does not like her port accessed and knows what is coming when I put the numbing cream on her at home just before we leave. She pleads to not have to get a shot or a poke!

Cydney passes time at the clinic waiting either sleeping or watching her tablet. Today she chose tablet. After a couple hours of waiting we were cleared to head upstairs to her room and get situated for the overnight administering of Chemo.

Once in the room we got her settled into bed and set up her activity box! She has play-doh, crayons and markers, a coloring book, flash cards, and playing cards. We also bring along a few books to read. As I was getting her set up with play-dough and a movie on the tablet she stated "This is the best day ever! Both a movie and play-doh!"

By the time we got into the room, they begin fluids and anti nausea meds, review her needed medications and get an update of the past few weeks they began Chemo around 3pm. Today she is getting Vincristine, Cisplatin, and CCNU.

We pass the time; playing, talking, watching movies and hopefully her getting a nap. Although that is difficult to do when someone in walking into the room every 30 minutes. Due to the fluids she is also having to use the restroom every 20 minutes it seems.

We are hopeful to get out of the hospital tomorrow, as long as her nausea is not bad and she is handling the drugs well we will be discharged. So far each time we have not had any issues and been discharged the next day. We then return to the Clinic on Thursday to receive a Neulasta injection, to help fight off infection.

Halfway through Chemo! She is amazing and handles all of this as well as anyone could imagine.

No school this week, due to the treatments. She is looking forward to returning next week.

Thank you all for the continued support and prayers.